Docs / Fuels Ts / Wallet / Basewalletunlocked

Icon LinkClass: BaseWalletUnlocked

@fuel-ts/wallet .BaseWalletUnlocked

BaseWalletUnlocked provides the base functionalities for an unlocked wallet.

Icon LinkHierarchy

Icon LinkConstructors

Icon Linkconstructor

new BaseWalletUnlocked(privateKey, provider?)

Creates a new BaseWalletUnlocked instance.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
privateKeyBytesLikeundefinedThe private key of the wallet.
providerstring | Provider FUEL_NETWORK_URLThe provider URL or a Provider instance.

Icon LinkOverrides

Account .constructor

Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:41 Icon Link

Icon LinkProperties

Icon Linkaddress

Readonly address: AbstractAddress

The address associated with the account.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .address

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:44 Icon Link

Icon Linkprovider

provider: Provider

The provider used to interact with the Fuel network.

Icon LinkOverrides

Account .provider

Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:28 Icon Link

Icon Linksigner

signer: () => Signer

Icon LinkType declaration

▸ (): Signer

A function that returns the wallet's signer.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:33 Icon Link

Icon LinkdefaultPath

Static defaultPath: string = "m/44'/1179993420'/0'/0/0"

Default HDWallet path.

Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:23 Icon Link

Icon LinkAccessors

Icon LinkprivateKey

get privateKey(): string

Gets the private key of the wallet.

Icon LinkReturns


The private key of the wallet.

Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:53 Icon Link

Icon LinkpublicKey

get publicKey(): string

Gets the public key of the wallet.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:62 Icon Link

Icon LinkMethods

Icon Linkconnect

connect(provider): Provider

Changes the provider connection for the account.

Icon LinkParameters

providerstring | Provider The provider URL or a Provider instance.

Icon LinkReturns


The updated Provider instance.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .connect

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:69 Icon Link

Icon Linkencrypt

encrypt(password): Promise<string>

Icon LinkParameters


Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:140 Icon Link

Icon Linkfund

fund<T>(request): Promise<void>

Adds resources to the transaction enough to fund it.

Icon LinkType parameters

Textends TransactionRequest

Icon LinkParameters

requestTThe transaction request.

Icon LinkReturns


A promise that resolves when the resources are added to the transaction.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .fund

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:207 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetBalance

getBalance(assetId?): Promise<BN>

Retrieves the balance of the account for the given asset.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
assetIdBytesLikeBaseAssetIdThe asset ID to check the balance for.

Icon LinkReturns


A promise that resolves to the balance amount.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .getBalance

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:165 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetBalances

getBalances(): Promise<CoinQuantity []>

Retrieves all the balances for the account.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<CoinQuantity []>

A promise that resolves to an array of Coins and their quantities.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .getBalances

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:175 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetCoins

getCoins(assetId?): Promise<Coin []>

Retrieves coins owned by the account.

Icon LinkParameters

assetId?BytesLikeThe asset ID of the coins to retrieve.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<Coin []>

A promise that resolves to an array of Coins.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .getCoins

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:102 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetMessages

getMessages(): Promise<Message []>

Retrieves messages owned by the account.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<Message []>

A promise that resolves to an array of Messages.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .getMessages

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:133 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetResourcesToSpend

getResourcesToSpend(quantities, excludedIds?): Promise<Resource []>

Retrieves resources satisfying the spend query for the account.

Icon LinkParameters

quantitiesCoinQuantityLike []IDs of coins to exclude.
excludedIds?ExcludeResourcesOptionIDs of resources to be excluded from the query.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<Resource []>

A promise that resolves to an array of Resources.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .getResourcesToSpend

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:89 Icon Link

Icon LinkpopulateTransactionWitnessesSignature

populateTransactionWitnessesSignature(transactionRequestLike): Promise<TransactionRequest >

Populates a transaction with the witnesses signature.

Icon LinkParameters

transactionRequestLikeTransactionRequestLike The transaction request to populate.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<TransactionRequest >

The populated transaction request.

Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:98 Icon Link

Icon LinksendTransaction

sendTransaction(transactionRequestLike): Promise<TransactionResponse >

Populates the witness signature for a transaction and sends it to the network using provider.sendTransaction.

Icon LinkParameters

transactionRequestLikeTransactionRequestLike The transaction request to send.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<TransactionResponse >

A promise that resolves to the TransactionResponse object.

Icon LinkOverrides

Account .sendTransaction

Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:113 Icon Link

Icon LinksignMessage

signMessage(message): Promise<string>

Signs a message with the wallet's private key.

Icon LinkParameters

messagestringThe message to sign.

Icon LinkReturns


A promise that resolves to the signature as a ECDSA 64 bytes string.

Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:72 Icon Link

Icon LinksignTransaction

signTransaction(transactionRequestLike): Promise<string>

Signs a transaction with the wallet's private key.

Icon LinkParameters

transactionRequestLikeTransactionRequestLike The transaction request to sign.

Icon LinkReturns


A promise that resolves to the signature as a ECDSA 64 bytes string.

Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:83 Icon Link

Icon LinksimulateTransaction

simulateTransaction(transactionRequestLike): Promise<CallResult >

Populates the witness signature for a transaction and sends a call to the network using

Icon LinkParameters

transactionRequestLikeTransactionRequestLike The transaction request to simulate.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<CallResult >

A promise that resolves to the CallResult object.

Icon LinkOverrides

Account .simulateTransaction

Icon LinkDefined in

base-unlocked-wallet.ts:129 Icon Link

Icon Linktransfer

transfer(destination, amount, assetId?, txParams?): Promise<TransactionResponse >

Transfers coins to a destination address.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
destinationAbstractAddress undefinedThe address of the destination.
amountBigNumberishundefinedThe amount of coins to transfer.
assetIdBytesLikeBaseAssetIdThe asset ID of the coins to transfer.
txParamsTxParamsType{}The transaction parameters (gasLimit, gasPrice, maturity).

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<TransactionResponse >

A promise that resolves to the transaction response.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .transfer

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:223 Icon Link

Icon LinktransferToContract

transferToContract(contractId, amount, assetId?, txParams?): Promise<TransactionResponse >

Transfers coins to a contract address.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
contractIdAbstractAddress undefinedThe address of the contract.
amountBigNumberishundefinedThe amount of coins to transfer.
assetIdBytesLikeBaseAssetIdThe asset ID of the coins to transfer.
txParamsTxParamsType{}The optional transaction parameters.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<TransactionResponse >

A promise that resolves to the transaction response.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .transferToContract

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:262 Icon Link

Icon LinkwithdrawToBaseLayer

withdrawToBaseLayer(recipient, amount, txParams?): Promise<TransactionResponse >

Withdraws an amount of the base asset to the base chain.

Icon LinkParameters

recipientAbstractAddress Address of the recipient on the base chain.
amountBigNumberishAmount of base asset.
txParamsTxParamsTypeThe optional transaction parameters.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<TransactionResponse >

A promise that resolves to the transaction response.

Icon LinkInherited from

Account .withdrawToBaseLayer

Icon LinkDefined in

account.ts:314 Icon Link