A Fuel indexer service instance requires just three components:
a Fuel Node: Custom indexers monitor incoming blocks via a Fuel GraphQL server and extract information about the state of the Fuel blockchain.
a PostgresQL database server: Extracted information is saved into a database.
a Web Server: dApps can query indexers for up-to-date information and operators can deploy/remove indexers as needed.
Component | Default Host | Default Port | CLI Argument | Environment Variable |
Fuel Node | localhost | 4000 | --fuel-node-{host,port} | $FUEL_NODE_{HOST,PORT} |
Database Server | localhost | 5432 | --postgres-{username,database,password,host,port} | $POSTGRES_{USERNAME,DATABASE,PASSWORD,HOST,PORT} |
Indexer Service Web API | localhost | 29987 | --web-api-{host,port} | $WEB_API_{HOST,PORT} |
The Fuel indexer service will connect to any Fuel GraphQL server, which means you can run your own node or use a node provided by Fuel. The indexer service web server is included with the Fuel indexer; it's available as soon as the indexer is started through fuel-indexer run
. The only component that isn't provided for you is a Postgres database server. You should set up a server according to your own needs and specifications.
You can start the indexer service with an array of CLI options. Note that most (if not all) of these options include sensible defaults.
fuel-indexer run --help
Standalone binary for the fuel indexer service.
fuel-indexer run [OPTIONS]
Allow the web server to accept raw SQL queries.
Require users to authenticate for some operations.
--auth-strategy <AUTH_STRATEGY>
Authentication scheme used.
--block-page-size <BLOCK_PAGE_SIZE>
Amount of blocks to return in a request to a Fuel node. [default: 10]
-c, --config <FILE>
Indexer service config file.
--database <DATABASE>
Database type. [default: postgres] [possible values: postgres]
Automatically create and start database using provided options or defaults.
--fuel-node-host <FUEL_NODE_HOST>
Host of the running Fuel node. [default: localhost]
--fuel-node-port <FUEL_NODE_PORT>
Listening port of the running Fuel node. [default: 4000]
-h, --help
Print help information
Allow network configuration via indexer manifests.
--jwt-expiry <JWT_EXPIRY>
Amount of time (seconds) before expiring token (if JWT scheme is specified).
--jwt-issuer <JWT_ISSUER>
Issuer of JWT claims (if JWT scheme is specified).
--jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
Secret used for JWT scheme (if JWT scheme is specified).
Start a local Fuel node.
--log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
Log level passed to the Fuel Indexer service. [default: info] [possible values: info,
debug, error, warn]
-m, --manifest <FILE>
Indexer config file.
--max-body-size <MAX_BODY_SIZE>
Max body size for web server requests. [default: 5242880]
--metering-points <METERING_POINTS>
The number of WASM opcodes after which the indexer's event handler will stop execution.
[default: 30000000000]
Use Prometheus metrics reporting.
--postgres-database <POSTGRES_DATABASE>
Postgres database.
--postgres-host <POSTGRES_HOST>
Postgres host.
--postgres-password <POSTGRES_PASSWORD>
Postgres password.
--postgres-port <POSTGRES_PORT>
Postgres port.
--postgres-user <POSTGRES_USER>
Postgres username.
Enable rate limiting.
--rate-limit-request-count <RATE_LIMIT_REQUEST_COUNT>
Maximum number of requests to allow over --rate-limit-window..
--rate-limit-window-size <RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW_SIZE>
Number of seconds over which to allow --rate-limit-rps.
Whether to allow replacing an existing indexer. If not specified, an attempt to deploy
over an existing indexer results in an error.
Run database migrations before starting service.
Prevent indexers from running without handling any blocks.
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose logging.
-V, --version
Print version information
--web-api-host <WEB_API_HOST>
Web API host. [default: localhost]
--web-api-port <WEB_API_PORT>
Web API port. [default: 29987]
# The following is an example Fuel indexer configuration file.
# This configuration spec is intended to be used for a single instance
# of a Fuel indexer node or service.
# For more info on how the Fuel indexer works, read the book: https://fuellabs.github.io/fuel-indexer/master/
# or specifically read up on these configuration options: https://fuellabs.github.io/fuel-indexer/master/getting-started/configuration.html
# Whether to allow replacing an indexer.
# If this is disabled, then an HTTP 409 Conflict will be returned if an indexer with the same name already exists.
replace_indexer: false
# Log level passed to the Fuel Indexer service.
log_level: info
# Use Prometheus metrics reporting.
metrics: true
# Prevent indexers from running without handling any blocks.
stop_idle_indexers: false
# Run database migrations before starting service.
run_migrations: true
# Enable verbose logging.
verbose: false
# Start a local Fuel node.
local_fuel_node: false
# Allow network configuration via indexer manifests.
indexer_net_config: false
# The number of WASM opcodes after which the indexer will stop execution.
metering_points: 30000000000
# Allow the web server to accept raw SQL queries.
accept_sql_queries: false
# Amount of blocks to return in a request to a Fuel node.
block_page_size: 20
# ***********************
# Fuel Node configuration
# ************************
# Host of the running Fuel node.
host: localhost
# Listening port of the running Fuel node.
port: 4000
# *************************
# Web API configuration
# *************************
# Web API host.
host: localhost
# Web API port.
port: 29987
# Max body size for web server requests.
max_body_size: "5242880"
# ******************************
# Database configuration options
# ******************************
# Postgres username.
user: postgres
# Postgres database.
database: postgres
# Postgres password.
password: postgres
# Postgres host.
host: localhost
# Postgres port.
port: 5432
# ******************************
# Indexer service authentication
# ******************************
# Require users to authenticate for some operations.
enabled: false
# Which authentication scheme to use.
strategy: jwt
# Secret used if JWT authentication is specified.
jwt_secret: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890
# JWT issuer if JWT authentication is specified.
jwt_issuer: FuelLabs
# Amount of time (seconds) before expiring token if JWT authentication is specified.
jwt_expiry: 2592000
# ********************************
# Rate limit configuration options
# ********************************
# Enable rate limiting.
enabled: false
# Maximum number of requests to allow over --rate-limit-window..
request_count: 10
# Number of seconds over which to allow --rate-limit-rps.
window_size: 5
The fuel-indexer-api-server
crate of the Fuel indexer contains a standalone web server that acts as a queryable endpoint on top of the database. Note that the main fuel-indexer
binary of the indexer project also contains the same web server endpoint.
crate offers a standalone web server endpoint, whereas the API endpoint offered infuel-indexer
is bundled with other Fuel indexer functionality (e.g., execution, handling, data-layer construction, etc). Offering the API server as a separate piece allows users to separate components and run them on different systems, if desired.
You can start the indexer service with an array of CLI options. Note that most (if not all) of these options include sensible defaults.
fuel-indexer-api-server run --help
Fuel indexer web server
fuel-indexer-api-server run [OPTIONS]
Allow the web server to accept raw SQL queries.
Require users to authenticate for some operations.
--auth-strategy <AUTH_STRATEGY>
Authentication scheme used. [possible values: jwt]
-c, --config <CONFIG>
API server config file.
--database <DATABASE>
Database type. [default: postgres] [possible values: postgres]
--fuel-node-host <FUEL_NODE_HOST>
Host of the running Fuel node. [default: localhost]
--fuel-node-port <FUEL_NODE_PORT>
Listening port of the running Fuel node. [default: 4000]
-h, --help
Print help information
--jwt-expiry <JWT_EXPIRY>
Amount of time (seconds) before expiring token (if JWT scheme is specified).
--jwt-issuer <JWT_ISSUER>
Issuer of JWT claims (if JWT scheme is specified).
--jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
Secret used for JWT scheme (if JWT scheme is specified).
--log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
Log level passed to the Fuel Indexer service. [default: info] [possible values: info,
debug, error, warn]
--max-body-size <MAX_BODY_SIZE>
Max body size for web requests. [default: 5242880]
Use Prometheus metrics reporting.
--postgres-database <POSTGRES_DATABASE>
Postgres database.
--postgres-host <POSTGRES_HOST>
Postgres host.
--postgres-password <POSTGRES_PASSWORD>
Postgres password.
--postgres-port <POSTGRES_PORT>
Postgres port.
--postgres-user <POSTGRES_USER>
Postgres username.
Enable rate limiting.
--rate-limit-request-count <RATE_LIMIT_REQUEST_COUNT>
Maximum number of requests to allow over --rate-limit-window..
--rate-limit-window-size <RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW_SIZE>
Number of seconds over which to allow --rate-limit-rps.
Run database migrations before starting service.
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose logging.
-V, --version
Print version information
--web-api-host <WEB_API_HOST>
Web API host. [default: localhost]
--web-api-port <WEB_API_PORT>
Web API port. [default: 29987]
To run the standalone Fuel indexer web server server using a configuration file:
fuel-indexer-api-server run --config config.yaml
In the above example, config.yaml
is based on the default service configuration file .