Docs / Wallet / Dev / Connecting

Icon LinkConnecting

Icon LinkRequesting a Connection

Before interacting with the wallet, you need to request a connection, which will authorize your application to execute other actions. You can do this by calling the connect() method on the window.fuel object.

const isConnected = await fuel.connect();
console.log("Connection response", isConnected);

To disconnect, use the disconnect() method.

await fuel.disconnect();

Icon LinkChecking for a Connection

To check if the user's wallet is already connected, you can use the isConnected() method.

const isConnected = await fuel.isConnected();

Icon LinkListening to Connection Events

The connect() method returns a promise. If you prefer to do it in an async way, you can use fuel.on('connection', () => void) to listen for changes in the connection.

fuel?.on(, handleConnection);
return () => {
  fuel?.off(, handleConnection);

Icon LinkWith React

In a React app, you can use the useIsConnected hook below to check if the user's wallet is connected. This hook depends on the useFuel hook on the Getting Started page.

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useFuel } from "./useFuel";
export function useIsConnected() {
  const [fuel] = useFuel();
  const [isConnected, setIsConnected] = useState(false);
  useEffect(() => {
    async function handleConnection() {
      const isConnected = await fuel.isConnected();
    if (fuel) {
    /* eventConnection:start */
    fuel?.on(, handleConnection);
    return () => {
      fuel?.off(, handleConnection);
    /* eventConnection:end */
  }, [fuel]);
  return [isConnected];

Here is how you can use the useIsConnected hook in a component:

const [isConnected] = useIsConnected();